
What Is Salvation?

Salvation is to be saved—from hell, from a broken relationship with God, and from the curses that plague mankind as a result of
Adam’s fall in the Garden of Eden.
You see, God made Adam and gave him dominion over the earth, but Adam committed
high treason, and bowed his knee to an outlaw spirit called Satan, and with his fall, gave dominion of the earth over to Satan.

God sent Jesus as the Second Adam, to redeem the sons of Adam from their sin, and to redeem this earth from Satan’s dominion. To believe in Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior is to receive this very redemption, and all that He has done for you through His one
perfect sacrifice on the cross! Your sins are forever dealt with, you receive God’s own righteousness and you can step boldly into
God’s presence. He will no longer just be God Almighty to you, but also YOUR heavenly Father.

In exchange for all the pain, suffering and lack that are so prevalent in the fallen world, you
can look to your Daddy God and confidently expect His blessings of health, provision and protection. And ultimately, you will get to spend an eternity with God in heaven as your home.

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